Total Nuclear War remained in war!

Total Nuclear War remained in war!
According to a few media reports, yesterday India decided to make a tile of strikes on Pakistan. Whose reference was given by Imran Khan in his speech.

There were 9 places in Pakistan for the attack, which were likely to strike in one or two places. Because after Indian air force's fresh performances, ships were declared Indian Air Force impossible.

All details of this secret meeting should be received by Pakistan's sensitive institutions at the same time and forward the initiative.

Then there was a very important and sensitive meeting, which was decided to target 12 places within India.

It was decided to have 1 and 3 dishes. If a missile comes from India, 3 missile reviews from Pakistan.

After this, a "big country" was informed of the situation that Pakistan will not stop using any incidental response and it has also identified these 12 places. Those who were decided to target.

Remember that the decision was made by Imran Khan and apparently cold mood, "peace peace", General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

The "Big Country" immediately informed India about all the situation and that Pakistan would give the right answer, after which the two countries would not have any other option for the New Zealand War nor any option.

Remember that more than half of the world's potentially new nuclear war was to be affected, the type of nuclear weapons of the two countries. At least we have knowledge of Pakistan.

Then India had to stop its attack.

Imran Khan today announced two important things by announcing release of Abi Nandan.

The first is that India should not miss any major calculation of Pakistan.

Secondly, if conditions go on to this point of view, we will not become Bahadur Shah Zafar but Tapu Sultan, namely death on life.

Some time ago, Imran Khan was called Amir al-Muminain, today I am called the Emirate.

Trust your forces and your riches, obey them and cooperate with them in their decisions at that time, we can not extend any kind of attachment.
