Salam Forces Pakistan

It was not the first time that the Pakistaniis had blossomed their soldiers or offered them a slit, but the feelings of such love keep on coming forward. It is true that the hearts of Pakistani people have deep love and belief in the hearts of the Pakistani people, and why not, the Pakistani army protects Pakistan like a wall-mounting wall in every difficulty and difficulty. This relationship between the Pakistani people and the army becomes stronger in this war zone. As the enemy's fascinating and neglected intentions become millimeters at the same time when the citizens make all the differences forget the atmosphere of harmony and unity. Pakistani forces have proved on every occasion that defense is in strong hands. Our army is counted in the world's twenty powerful forces. Geographically Pakistan is located on a land where the risks of war keep shaving at all times, that is why armed forces have to be alert at all times. Pakistan's history forces are full of talented sacrifices and activities of Pakistan. Today, it is compelled to recognize the role of the world in the fight against terrorism and the opportunity to reach this place is also the branch of the Pak Army. The military situation like a flood situation or flood and earthquake, Pak Army knows its obligations. Every Pakistani soldier is a great example of courage and bravery, acknowledging the ability of Pak Army to be done throughout the world. The number of Pakistani army forces in the United Nations peacekeeping force is also turning iron. In this article, the services of these high-ranking Pakistani forces are similar to closing the ocean in Sampa Bond. Of course, we are proud of our army. And in recent times, every Pakistani has expressed some kind of expression. Regarding writing these words and practically applying them, the Earth is the difference between heaven. Our army is doing so much for us. We were informed about half of us half of us asleep from the sleep that the Indian ships entered our air boundaries and we were afraid to scare them, even though people expressed their anger even though they were tired The way to hunt is that he gives his full chance to run away. With the belief that he will soon undermine it with his power. And then it happens and it happened. If India knew how to survive one day, then he would not dare to attack again on the other day, but who would have thought Modi's greed to win the election has lost the ability to think of it, so that now the answer to the brick stone for Pakistan It was necessary to arrest Indian Air Force reporter and Indian pilot alive, and our army mooded Modi as well as raised his head proudly again. India alone strives to evaluate our military power by data, but it is unaware that the emotion is our real power, because of this spirit, one of our soldiers is heavy on the soldiers of India. For us this is not a pure war but it is the right to be right and wrong. And in this regard the Pakistani people are standing with their army. Yet, by releasing Indian pilets, we gave a message of peace, war was not resolved, the blood of millions of Kashmiri people is already illegal on India's head. I wish that India should take the nails of wisdom and sincerely try to solve the problem of Kashmir, but the desired Indian government will never welcome peace talks, although the world is aware that till Kashmir problem is resolved, India will continue to tension and India does not want to end India's tension, so despite the release of its soldiers, India is maintaining a violation of line-off control, but India on this front can not compete with the moral values ​​of our soldiers. The soldiers target our urban population, while our army in the response process is Indian The military checkpoints are every attack because it is not a tradition of our army to attack the newly formed civilians. When India's warrior will not end, and the Muslims living near Kashmir and the border will continue to be cruel as long as they do not know, but greet our three armed forces, who compete with the brave Indian aggression. Otherwise India tries to harm it much more, but the timely action of our forces is forced to push it back. Allah purifies our soldiers in their custody and give our country a peaceful resort. Amen. Pakistan Zindabad.
